Form-Based Authentication with Struts 1.1

The Problem

Many posts discuss the standard form-based authentication with Struts 1.1


The following questions arise here:

1.) Shall we map the standard j_security_check action in the struts-config.xml file? If it is NOT mapped in struts-config.xml, then we could not specify the page that shall be shown after a successfull login, so it does not make sense to direclty call the login page.

2.) Shall we have a custom action class for handling the standard form-based authentication, or shall we only rely on the stanard mechanism? If we implement a custom action class, how can it still handle the authentication in a standard-based way?

3.) How does the view ( login.jsp, login.html or whatever) look like?

4.) Assumig we have already mapped somehow the standard j_security_check action in the struts-config.xml file, and we have the following standard entries in web.xml:


–  which mapping takes precedence – that in the struts-config.xml or that in the web.xml?

The Solution

Our solution is based on the analogous use case with JSF, a solution of which is given by Oracle:


We give the following answers:

1.) In struts-config.xml we have the following mapping:

<form-bean name=“logInForm“ type=“at.alex.common.form.LogInForm“ />


<action path=“/Login“ type=“at.alex.common.action.LogInAction“
name=“logInForm“ scope=“request“ validate=“true“ input=“page.login“>
<forward name=“success“ path=“page.welcome“ />
<forward name=“error“ path=“page.loginFailed“ />

2.) As shown above, we implement a custon action class, which authenticates the user in a standard-based way as given below:

package at.alex.common.action;
public class LogInAction extends Action {

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

LogInForm logInForm = (LogInForm) form;

try {
request.login(logInForm.getUsername(), logInForm.getPassword());
} catch (ServletException e) {

return mapping.findForward(„error“);


3.)  Our view (login.jsp) looks as follows:
<html:form action=“/Login“ method=“post“>
<bean:message key=“label.common.username“ /> :
<html:text property=“username“ size=“20″ maxlength=“20″ />
<br />
<bean:message key=“label.common.password“ /> :
<html:text property=“password“ size=“20″ maxlength=“20″ />
<br />
<bean:message key=“label.common.button.submit“ />

4.) The answer to the question (4) can be found if you implement the solution outlined here.


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